The world has fallen apart.
Wracked by environmental catastrophe, the ten regions of Evasu have weathered The Flux for a century. Cut off from one another, and from continents beyond, the telling of stories has stopped.
Things have started to disappear. Monsters, creatures, towns, and villages: nothing, it seems, is safe from being unmade.
But hope remains.
After years of training, the Mappa Mundi Institute prepares to send Chroniclers out into the Wilds. Armed only with curious minds, inquisitive spirits, and the desire to seek knowledge, these brave souls step beyond the safety of home and stand on the edge of the Wilds.
You have a role to play, Chronicler. Will you do your part?
Will you step forward when others stay behind?
Research. Journey. Encounter.
Three gameplay Phases rooted in emergent storytelling.
The world is full of secrets, stories,
and Monsters.
Each chapter in your adventure begins with the Research Phase. Gather knowledge about your target and its habitat. Speak with locals, separate fact from fiction, and learn everything there is to know about the fantastical being you seek.
Every fact you discover, and each secret you miss, influences the journey you must take.
The Wilds are are perilous place for the unprepared.
The Journey Phase is played using a selection from the Mappa Mundi Journey Deck: 72 fully illustrated tarot-sized cards. Your findings in the Research Phase determine the composition of the deck. In turn, your observations shape the world.
Using our Shaping mechanic, Chroniclers bring the Wilds to life. This world exists only as you see it.
This is why you’re here. A monster stands before you.
Chroniclers swear to ‘Do No Harm.’
But the world remains a dangerous place. Study monsters and creatures like a naturalist, not a hunter. Uncover behaviours unique to each being using skills, talents, and interactions without using violence.
Mappa Mundi is a zero-combat RPG. Can you save a world without hurting it? We know you can!